Thursday, October 29, 2015

Dear Families in-the-middle,

Our Fall Parent Seminar Tuesday evening, October 27, provided several tips for parents. A few participants suggested we consider sharing information for all of our families. We offered three sessions - the three most requested in the survey sent out to all families earlier this month.

Rude vs. Mean vs. Bullying - How do we tell the difference?
Anxiety - Strategies to help your child cope
Social Media & Electronic Devices - What is a parent's role?

A question raised during one of the sessions was, "How can we help our child respond effectively to rudeness and meanness?" We're so glad you asked! These are a few questions, statements, and actions your son or daughter might use when faced with unkind words and actions:

* Do you really believe that?
* Why would you say/ask that?
* That sounds like an opinion and I don't think I agree.
* That's not my view.
* Make eye-contact, use an I-statement, and be sincere: "I'm not sure why you're saying those things. They're hurtful."
* Walk away.
* Tell an adult.

Students taking a stand in the face of unkind words and actions serve as role models for the rest of us. In most cases, the negative words and actions diminish when these responses are used in a sincere and direct manner. Most importantly, students taking a sincere and courageous approach speak volumes about the most effective and dignified way to respond to others. Thank you for the example you are for your son or daughter.

Most sincerely,
Mrs. Ann Mitchell


1 comment:

  1. Hurt people hurt people. Though previous hurts don't excuse unkind words or actions, empathy is always a personal work in progress. The bully is likely lashing out at people similarly to a way in which someone has lashed out at him/her.

    Be the change you wish to see in the world - Gandhi

    Truly smart people don't need to tell you they're smart... and truly confident people don't need to belittle others.
