Thursday, February 4, 2016

Dear Families in the Middle,

This past weekend we took our youngest back to college for her second semester (first year). Libbie is the quietest of our six children and yet, when she isn't at home, our home is eerily quiet! I miss her. I share this with you only because I remember all too well when my oldest was a 7th grader. In the words of two parents this past week (on two separate occasions - and I don't even think they know each other), "sometimes I like my seventh grader."

Depending on the demands on your time and energy and the frequency and intensity of the interactions, while LOVE remains, LOGIC sometimes goes right out the window! Mrs. Bellville, our Middle School Social Worker, shared a link recently for the Love and Logic website. You'll find positive and effective tips and strategies to respond to your ever-changing middle-school learner.

One of my hopes is to highlight a learning experience in each week's blog post. As I walked through the Raider White House, observed Mr. Wickstrom's sixth grade science class, and noted the innovative bird creations, I asked a student to share photos for our blog. Enjoy these sample birds students created and described to show students' understanding the following:

1) All living things compete for resources. How does each wing shape help that individual bird compete for the resources it needs to survive?
2) The shapes of birds' wings (physical characteristics) can tell an observer about HOW they live (hunting and their habitat).
3) In Nature and in Engineering form follows function.  In other words, the shape or physical features of an organism serve a purpose and help the organism survive.

Please consider asking your student about their greatest strength in collaboration and an area for growth. We're practicing those skills in every subject area and know employers rank collaboration high on the list of desired traits in workers. We want Hudson Middle School students to be confident and strong collaborators!
Happy February!
Mrs. Ann Mitchell

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