Dear Families in the Middle,
It has been such a joy to see so many of you during Registration Days. We hope you and your middle-level student(s) experienced a smooth registration process and the experience has left your family eager for another year of learning in our Raider community! PLEASE take time to READ our Middle Musings blog posts for updates and information.
The shift from varied house lists to a common grade level list resulted in a couple of items in question. We noted a couple of items needing clarification:
7th grade supplies - the pre-ordered KITS included ONE binder; the hard copy list included THREE binders. Please anticipate the need for ONE binder to begin the year. If an additional binder is needed, teachers will communicate that need at a future time.
8th grade supplies - 8th grade pre-ordered kits do not include "2 pkgs. of looseleaf paper" but the hard copy list includes that item. Teachers will confirm with students during the school year whether looseleaf is needed.
Pre-ordered Supply Kits - if you were unable to pick up your student's supply kit from HMS during Registration Days, the kit will be placed in your student's Advisor classroom for your student to pick up the first day of school. If you'd like to pick up the kit prior to the first day of school, please stop in the office and we will do our best to help you locate the box in the Advisor classroom.
Chromebooks will be distributed on Tuesday, September 6th in Advisory. We want to focus on listening and observing, relationships and knowing, understanding, supporting and challenging each other as we begin a new year.
Feedback on Registration Days - In case you were unable to leave your feedback in the basket on your way out the door, please use this link to give us feedback and share suggestions for improving the registration process. Thank you!
An interesting bit of trivia:
* The Class of 2023 (6th grade) is 463 students strong and still growing! We've added three traveling teacher advisors to the team and anticipate the addition of a house in 2017-18 with great joy!
Please encourage your middle-level student to check out the Student Leadership Opportunities and apply by clicking on the links on the Student Leadership Tab in this blog. Every student has something wonderful to share with others! Thank you!
Mrs. Ann Mitchell
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