Friday, March 25, 2016

March 24, 2016

It's springtime at HMS and students are BLOSSOMING! Please check out only three examples this week. More to come...
Each year more than half a million students across the United States participate in National History Day (NHD). Students choose an historical topic related to the annual theme, and then conduct primary and secondary research. This year's theme is Exploration, Encounter, Exchange in History! Students analyze and interpret their sources, draw a conclusion about the significance their topic, and then present their work in one of five ways: as a paper, an exhibit, a performance, a documentary, or a website.  This year, HMS had 19 students participate at the Regional level for NHD and we have 4 students moving on to the State competition in April. 
Congratulations to our students and thank you to Mrs. Sarah Engstrom-Yde and Mr. Mike Yell for your advising!

More good news from our Hudson Middle students! Please check out the video above of our STEM Sisters presenting in Indianapolis earlier this week. Hudson Middle School Students Gabrielle Blakey, Madeline Pasche, Charlotte Stow, and Hannah Sutherland presented their "Weekend on Mars" project to a sold out crowd of 1800 people during teh opening ceremonies of the 2016 Project Lead the Way National Summit. They also had the honor or introducing keynote speaker Pro NFL football player and mathematician, John Uschel! Not only did this put Hudson Middle School students on the national stage, but it also made them instant celebrities. Several participants shared what an inspiration these students are for girls in STEM, asking them to record messages for their students - even asking if they would present at their school so that their students could see them and be inspired. Thank you, Mr. Chris DeLeon and Ms. Jodie Bray, Technology Education teachers at HMS, for your leadership and initiative! 
Sarah Drogseth received a top state award in the 2016 Scholastic Art Awards - Wisconsin Competition and Exhibit late in February. Her work combines multi-media techniques, a three dimensional aspect, and recycled materials! Thank you, Mr. Jesse Lam and Mrs. Julie King-Hildreth, for the many ways you foster creativiy in our students! Check out Sarah's creative piece in our school cafeteria display case! 

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